

Kunji - Integrate authentication within a minute


Created on 19th October 2024



Kunji - Integrate authentication within a minute

The problem Kunji solves

Authentication and authorization are essential for any project, but when you’re building something in a hackathon or a side project meant to change the world, your focus should be on innovation, not reinventing authentication. That’s why I created Kunji—to handle authentication once and for all, with an integration process that takes under a minute. Whether it’s a hackathon or a side project, Kunji saves you time and effort, so you can focus on what really matters.

Challenges I ran into

  • State Management for a status console user interface allowing logic to push a log and update its log status.
  • creating the axios architecture to simplify the authenticated requests using the useKunji hook.
  • ensuring consistent state management for user's logged in state and handling smooth processing of expired access token in the background.


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