KryptoMeds uses blockchain technology to securely manage health records for a collaborative, smart approach to healthcare.
We have made and Website as well as an app for users to try our services on different devices.
We provide two services:
- Vaccine Tracker- This is an AI-Based Web App that tracks the Covid vaccine in real-time. It generates data of hospitals and the number of vaccines based on the location provided by the user. It also predicts the available vaccines for a future date using current real-time data.
- MedImpact- This is a DApp that help maintain records of medicines in the pharmaceutical industry. It helps maintain transparency between store owners, distributors, and customers. All the transactions are done on blockchain servers to maintain clear records.
The challenges we faced during this project were:
- Extraction of data from API.
- Deploying smart contract on Celo Alfajores Net.
- Connecting Contracts and frontend.
- Making the app work on Android 10.