Krishi Vyahan

Krishi Vyahan

Krishi Vyapar Vahan avails all the agriculture services in one place

The problem Krishi Vyahan solves

Farmers have great significance as far as the socio-economic structure of our country is concerned. Almost all the food items taken by us are produced by the farmers. We can get food to eat because of them. Since food is an inevitable part of our day-to-day life, farmers are the necessity in society.
The situation of the farmers in India has never been quite satisfactory for many years now. Poverty is their permanent companion. The major problem behind the condition of farmers is the middlemen. Farmers are not paid directly from the market because of the middlemen. These middlemen grab the lion’s share of profit leaving behind almost nothing for the farmers. They can’t send their kids to schools or even feed themselves properly. As a result of this poor condition, they are compelled to end their lives.
Another major reason behind this plight of the farmers is global warming.Crops are getting damaged due to lack of proper nutrition. Seasons are getting delayed. As a result, season specific crops can’t get proper sustenance. Many farms are getting destroyed because of this.Krishi Vyahan is an idea to provide some help to our farmers, it is a platform where farmers can connect with their potential customers at one place, instead of getting stuck with the traditional ones. KrishiVyahan is the key solution to the problems, Limited Scope , where Farmer is compelled to sell to its nearby retailers, Dispersed Facilities, that is usually farmers have to visit different areas to buy equipments, seeds, insurance, soil testing, etc., Lack of Awareness, as we know due to lack of awareness farmers tend to miss the benefits provided by the government and the ReUpyog section provides information to creatively utilize the waste they generate.
In addition to this we also tried to solve the problem of getting correct information of soil needs according to the crop.
