Krishi सहायता Kendra

Krishi सहायता Kendra - har kisan ka bharosemand dost (Krishi सहायता Kendra - every farmers trusted friend)

The problem Krishi सहायता Kendra solves

The entire project is dedicated to solve the problem of digital divide among the farmers . It provides a portal to solve the everyday problem a farmer faces and hence make their lives easier . The entitre project is dedicated to ensure a seemless treatment for the farmers . Here the farmers after signing in can post their queries regarding various issues and get those answered . They can also get information regarding various laws and measures taken by the authorities to make their lives easier . The farmers can apply for trade loans and fininacial aids . they van also enlist their crops for sale when they are ready .
In the future we aim to use Technologies like AI and IOT to make it more efficient . We aim to use IOT and AI to assess the quality of the fields and hence provide farmers a detailed analysis of their farms so that they can increase their productivity.
Krishi सहायता Kendra - har kisan ka bharosemand dost

Challenges I ran into

During the development of the website , I ran into minor code errors which I solved on my own . I hope to carry forward the same efforts in the future too .
