

multiplayer prompt game with co-ownership flavour to generate ai art

The problem kodaborieren solves

Creating art was always individual pursuit. Adding collaborative flavour opens floodgates for anyone, especially creating new prompt artists who can take moment on the chain to memo their moment as every time they went through neural nets it's unique as they won't see. On top of it, we believe you can share revenue from this party moment with your friends.
Other than that can create poster games where people can generate unique art for unique events in their life with emotional connection to the prompt as collective.

Challenges we ran into

originally we wanted to use mantapay with their dolphin network as we have experience within polkadot, but manta-signer was a bit breaking experience so we had to skip shielded addresses which would help people bring freedom of speech through prompts.
another challenge was with gundb for p2p distribution as examples was bit obsolete
third was with basilisk parachain on Rococo as we had some issues to mint stuff which eventually being fixed in future
