Kitaab Ghar

Kitaab Ghar

Empowering Learners Enabling Commerce

The problem Kitaab Ghar solves

Education is a fundamental right, yet millions of children around the world are still denied access to quality education. This problem is particularly prevalent among out-of-school children, who are unable to attend school due to various reasons such as poverty, conflict, or discrimination. Additionally, illiteracy continues to be a significant issue, preventing individuals from acquiring essential skills and knowledge.Furthermore, the lack of video resources hinders effective learning experiences. Videos have proven to be highly effective in enhancing understanding and engagement, but many learners, especially in underserved areas, do not have access to educational videos.Addressing these key issues is crucial to ensure that every individual, regardless of their background or circumstances, has an equal opportunity to receive a quality education.

Challenges we ran into

we faced difficulty in deployment of the smart contracts that are to be used for all the transactions and the on chain purposes,also we had to face an issue with the api key of chatgpt while integrating our application

Tracks Applied (3)

Participation Prizes

our platform gets the users to a new technology that integrates education and e-commerece with blockchain a completely n...Read More

Solidity Scan

Winning Prizes

we have introduced an overall new technology that will prove to be greatly helpful for for the people who cant afford to...Read More

Solidity Scan

Ethereum Track

we have used ethereum blockchain to build upon,the smart contracts of that of document uploading and transaction between...Read More

