Kick Bit Fever

Kick Bit Fever

The project displays a platform on which students can enroll and can handle their academic grades from the beginning, will help taking loan from banks on lower interest rates and getting internship.

Created on 3rd March 2023

Kick Bit Fever

Kick Bit Fever

The project displays a platform on which students can enroll and can handle their academic grades from the beginning, will help taking loan from banks on lower interest rates and getting internship.

The problem Kick Bit Fever solves

  1. Once a Student enrols on the platform , he/she register's through their unique id i.e., Registration Number through which student's whole data can be extracted from the college's data book

and can be visualize on the same screen from the beginning and keep a record of it.
2. If a student needs to apply for a loan , he/she must enter their Registration No. Bank Name ,Reason for taking laon and the Amount of loan . Before submitting the student must read the rules and
and registration of the bank affiliated.

  1. The Student enrolled at this platform for the loan can also get a loan at lower interest rates. The student with better grades will get as lower interst rates. After enrolment , when a student applies for loan , the student's personal & academic details will be shared with the bank for further verification.

  2. For applying for an internship the student must fill the Registration number ,Domain & Skills .

According to the entries , the company would be able to get the whole educational details of the student through the registration number .

Challenges we ran into

The challenges faced while building the platform is that if we allow students to enter their score themselves, they may fill wrong details, we need to fix that issue.
We resolved that problem by allowing only students to register through their registration number, and the details of the student will be fetched from the college records through his/her registration number. The student need not to enter his/her grades themsolves, it will be taken from the college records.

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