
The project is to help the government schools in India so that even the poorest of the poor get quality education.



The project is to help the government schools in India so that even the poorest of the poor get quality education.

The problem Kedet solves

Our idea focuses primarily on improving the current condition of government schools by providing a crowd-sourcing platform.
Outsiders, teachers, or head-masters from these government schools can use our platform to share their difficulties and needs
which will be spread across different platforms.
People who are willing to help can donate money(which directly goes to the bank account of a government school ). The donations can also be made directly by providing writing boards, desks, benches, etc.
Government school teachers also have extra work of making sure that local poor and vulnerable students go to school. But
this becomes hectic going around the village or localities searching for kids who are not going to school. So we have added a
section where people can directly notify the teachers or headmaster of the local school about these children.

Challenges we ran into

As we are in the ideation phase we did not notice any challenges.
