

It's a movement towards a safer tomorrow

The problem Kawach solves

Kawach is a comprehensive Android application designed with the safety and security of women in mind. It serves as a multi-functional tool that not only addresses the urgent need for safety in public and private spaces but also empowers users.

Key Features:

1.Anonymous reporting:

Many individuals, especially women, hesitate to report issues due to fear of retaliation or judgment. The Kawach app allows users to raise complaints anonymously within institutions like colleges, schools, and IT sectors, ensuring their safety while still voicing their concerns through our webApp which is a feature of our android app.


In distress, every second counts. The SOS feature of the Kawach app allows users to send their current location via SMS to their safe contacts, even without internet access. This ensures that help can reach them quickly, reducing the risk of harm.

3.Quick Access to Emergency Helplines:

In emergencies, dialing a helpline number manually can be time-consuming and stressful. The app's automatic call feature to emergency helplines ensures that users can connect to help instantly, improving their chances of receiving timely assistance.

4. Detection of Hidden cameras and microphones:

This is the USP of our product. The magnetometer feature of our app detects hidden cameras, microphones, etc basically the magnetometer sensor of the phone measures the strength of magnetic field and whenever a electronic device is present in it's vicinity the magnetic field changes and it indicates the presence of a electronic device.

5.Blockchain-Based Tamper-Proof Reporting:

Kawach utilizes the Avalanche blockchain to securely store all complaints raised through the app. This ensures that the records are tamper-proof, meaning they cannot be altered or deleted by any party. By leveraging Avalanche's decentralized and immutable technology, the app provides a transparent and trustworthy platform for users to report issues, ensuring that their complaints

Challenges we ran into

1.Extracting Metadata from Uploaded Images:

One of the significant challenges we encountered was extracting metadata from images uploaded as proof during the complaint-raising process. This was crucial for verifying the authenticity of the images to ensure they were legitimate.

2. Frontend Integration with Blockchain:

Integrating the frontend with the blockchain posed a complex challenge. Establishing seamless communication between the user interface and the blockchain while maintaining user experience was difficult. However, we successfully deployed the solution on the Avalanche Fuji Testnet by the end of the project, ensuring that the complaints were stored securely and immutably.

3.Java Boilerplate and Android Compliance:

In our Android app, we faced challenges with the extensive Java boilerplate code, which made development more cumbersome. Additionally, we had to adhere to strict Android rules, which added further complexity to the development process, requiring careful coding and compliance to meet platform standards.

Tracks Applied (1)

Build On Avalanche

Our project "Kawach" utilizes the Avalanche blockchain to securely store all complaints raised through the app. This ens...Read More

