Decentralized Instagram Clone built on top of the Polygon network, allows users to create, share and view images.

The problem KALAKRITI solves

It can be said to Decentralised Social Media, where users can share their posts stored in Blockchain in different to the centralized manner.


  • Creators have control over their own data.
  • Users can tip their favorite creators (unlike other platforms changing their policies and commission on the subscription).
  • Creators can be saved from global censorship from the founders or any higher authority.
  • All the above will create more freedom for the users and creators.

Technology Used:

  • Nextjs For the frontend.
  • Solidity from the smart contract.
  • IPFS(Web3Storage) for storing images.
  • Spheron to deploy on filecoin
  • Polygon Mumbai to deploy and verify the smart contract.
  • Hardhat to build and deploy the smart contract.
  • Tailwind CSS
  • Quicknode, ethers, web3modal, react-icons, axios

Challenges I ran into

Especially for uploading the image to IPFS. I have googled it and tried many solutions blogs but most of them I was not able to understand and then I followed the web3.storage documentation that describes the HTTP API for web3.storage and I was able to solve the issue.
