
Change For The Better

The problem KaiZen solves

During pandemic or during any crisis, we are trapped inside our homes. Due to this we develop many social disorders like PTSD, Depression, Anxiety etc. We made a web application that asks a set of questions and shows what you might be suffering from based on your responses in the quiz. It also suggests various videos and reading suggestions to help you make feel better after watching/ reading them. It also has suggeets music related to your mood, and you can also record yourself if you want to leave a message for your future self.

NOTE:- If your results do not show any type of disorder, that means you are not suffering from any kind of mental illness/disorder.

Challenges we ran into

While building this app we ran into various problems such as discovering how mental issues work, how they lead to various social/mental disorders, what questions are asked by the medical counsellers/psychiatrists and lastly what to suggest the patients.
