Justice Swift

Justice Swift

Justice Delayed is Justice Denied

The problem Justice Swift solves

Description: The judicial system in India faces a significant backlog of pending court cases,
leading to delays in the delivery of justice.

Problem Statement: Develop innovative technological solutions to expedite the resolution
of pending court cases and streamline the judicial process. The system should be able to
prioritize cases, give automated updates, facilitate e-filings and assist in legal aids.

Solution:-We Have developed an app using Xml, Kotlin which with the help of ML summarizes the case Summary and its updates so that the judge can easily recall After Several Processing and using AR/VR we made 3D Model of the Crime Scene. It also shortlist the High priority and low priority cases and give further dates accordingly Plus the cases with the lowest interaction can be judged by AI.
Key Features:-ML-based Case Summary
AR/VR Crime Scene Modeling
Prioritization of Cases
Automated Updates
E-filings and Legal Aid Assistance
AI Judgment for Low-Interaction Cases

Challenges we ran into

We have many problems like finding dataset for making predictions for output , Integrating AR , ML , Android all together was a big task very tough to accomplish.

Tracks Applied (1)


It only uses software components
