JOJO Exchange

JOJO Exchange

An innovative arbitrage scheme that generates consistent and reliable returns through funding rate arbitrage.


The problem JOJO Exchange solves

Problem solves:

Flexible Earn is a pioneering arbitrage scheme that leverages the funding rate mechanism in perpetual contract trading. The APR for Flexible Earn is derived from funding rate arbitrage paid by on-chain users trading perpetual contracts, ensuring consistent and reliable returns.
All users share a common funding pool and contract position, creating a seamless and collaborative earning opportunity that lowers traders' barriers to executing funding rate arbitrage strategies.

Advantages of JOJO Flexible Earn:

Stable Returns: Enjoy consistent earnings through JOJO’s automated funding rate arbitrage strategies
Convenience: Deposit funds into the JOJO platform and let our system handle the complex calculations and operations for you
Efficiency: Leverage the differences in funding rates to trade between perpetual contracts, futures markets, and spot markets, ensuring efficient arbitrage operations
High and Sustainable APR: Benefit from both funding rate arbitrage profits and basis profits (the price difference between spot and futures)

Challenges I ran into

Gas Optimization :
Challenge: Frequent on-chain interactions for arbitrage require gas optimization to ensure user profitability.
Solution: Conduct extensive unit and fuzz testing to optimize contract code for minimal gas consumption.

User Experience:
Challenge: Supporting continuous arbitrage while allowing users to withdraw funds at any time presents significant computational challenges.
Solution: Allocate a portion of USDC as a buffer to facilitate smooth withdrawals.

High Availability of RPC Nodes:
Challenge: Managing a large user base necessitates timely data responses, requiring highly available RPC nodes.
Solution: Implement a multi-RPC strategy to distribute load and ensure faster, more reliable user request processing.
