

Transforming job hunting

The problem JobSeeker solves

Our websites aims to solve the diffuculties faced by employees post covid layoffs. A lot of people were left hopeless and we aim to provide a niche community which will cusion their bad luck. We will do this via providing good visibility to both the employees and the employers. We have using certain algorithims which go through resumes and make it very easy for recruiters to find the match made in heaven for their job posting. They can also communicate to each other via text and collaborate!

Challenges we ran into

Weran into many, many problems during the 24 hours. The biggest one was in implementing the chat feature ,which we still havent completely figured out! A lot of API calls according to ourselves should be running but they werent. We had to go through a lot of screening to find out that we had one minor typing mistakte which wasted about 3 hours of our time. We were forced to find work arounds for many things. For example there was a cors error which had halted our progress for almost an hour, we overcame this by implementing proxy. There was limited data availible online for querying resumes so we had to figure it out ourselves by trial and error.
