JobFirm : Find Job AnyTime AnyWhere

JobFirm is an organization which helps to find part-time, full-time and daily wage jobs. This Firm is also used by the candidates who wants to restart their career in their respective field.


JobFirm : Find Job AnyTime AnyWhere

JobFirm is an organization which helps to find part-time, full-time and daily wage jobs. This Firm is also used by the candidates who wants to restart their career in their respective field.

The problem JobFirm : Find Job AnyTime AnyWhere solves

JobFirm helps people to earn money on daily basis. We also provide full-time, part-time jobs which helps people to boost up their career. We also help students by giving best opportunities in the field of internship, we give them an option to chose internship according to their need and time flexibility.

Challenges we ran into

We were going though our bootstrapping code in which we are unable to apply some styling in our dynamic website, so for getting over it we applied some libraries in our code which helps us to style our bootstrapping without deforming the alignment of our website.
