Job Chain

Job Chain

A Web 3.0 based job finding platform. Our motto: Chaining careers to unlock your inner potential.

Job Chain

Job Chain

A Web 3.0 based job finding platform. Our motto: Chaining careers to unlock your inner potential.

The problem Job Chain solves

Our platform replaces resumes with NFTs that store all related information about that job-finder. This removes the need for resumes as resumes are often generated, which most of the time leads to them having the same structure and style of writing. Our platform also makes the hiring process more efficient, as employers or HR can easily access information that is stored on the blockchain while performing background checks, as opposed to the current lengthy and time-consuming background checking procedures.

Challenges we ran into

We struggled to integrate certain features into our website, such as connecting to the Phantom wallet. We decided to focus on the overall content and concept of our project and try our best to integrate as much as we could into our webpage.

Tracks Applied (4)

Solana - AI

Our platform integrates A.I. to produce detailed analysis reports for more informed decision-making. This includes infor...Read More


Solana - Defi & Payments

Our platform allows users to purchase NFTs when hiring. This requires the use of Solana tokens (SOL) for payments using ...Read More


Solana - Mobile Consumer

Our platform is usable on mobile devices as we want users to be able to access our platform easily.


Jupiter Aggregator - Best Integration

Our platform looks to integrate Jupiter API to allow users to make cross-currency transactions.

Jupiter Aggregator
