Stay-Quarantined App : Lets Fight CoronaVirus!

"India's first App that rewards you to Stay and Work From Home".Hack-Covid Application that Rewards the User For Staying Home and Helping in Controlling of Deadly CoronaVirus Epidemic.


Stay-Quarantined App : Lets Fight CoronaVirus!

"India's first App that rewards you to Stay and Work From Home".Hack-Covid Application that Rewards the User For Staying Home and Helping in Controlling of Deadly CoronaVirus Epidemic.

The problem Stay-Quarantined App : Lets Fight CoronaVirus! solves

A.)The Problem it Entackles?

1.)The Recent Outbreak of Corona-Virus had Cost the Life of More than 200,000 People and is Still Spreading via Humans due to its Contagious Nature.
2.)It can be Prevented Only if We Break the Chain and Save Ourselves and Community from this Deadly CoronaVirus Pandemic.So,to Tackle this Problem,We come up with Innovative Solution To empower People to Practice Social Distancing by Being Productive at Home & Prevent the Disease from Further Spreading.

B.)What our App Does?(Overall)

1.)Hack-Covid Application that Rewards the User For Staying Home and Helping in Controlling of Deadly CoronaVirus Epidemic.
2.)This App allows Users to Create an Account and Set their Home Location.
3.)If they are in Close Vicinity of their Home,they will be Rewarded based on the Time they Practiced Social-Distancing.
4.)The Reward can be used to buy other Products and Services Associated with App for Contributing Their Part.

C.)The Working of App in Parts : (Divide and Conquer)

1.)The App has Splash Screen followed by Login/Registered Page.
2.)The Details are Stored in the MongoDB Database.
3.)The User is then Asked to Give Permission for Location,So that his Home Address can Be Set.
4.)The Latitudes and Longitudes are Fetched using Google Maps API with Active Internet Connection Of the User.
5.)The Server Side Scripting Checks : If his Current Location is in Closed Vicinity of Home Location(Geo-Fencing Implementation),then the User will be Awarded 0.1 ETH for 1 Hour.
6.)The Time Difference when User Enters and Exits his Home Radius is Used to Reward him to Prevent Spreading Corona-Virus.
7.)The ETH Currency can be Used to buy other Products and Services Associated with App.
8.)This is Small Thanks from Govt. to Save themselves and Community from this Deadly CoronaVirus Pandemic.

All Steps are Written in Github ReadMe File INstallation Steps

Challenges we ran into

1.) Working and Finding API’s Implementation
2.) Server Implementation & Database Concepts implementation using MongoDB
3.) Working on React Application, state management issues
4.) There were Security issues regarding User data Management.
5.) Finally User’s Passwords Are Secured via SHA-256 Algorithm
6.) Time Constraints is the major issue faced till now.
7.) Collection of points/score calculation was challenging, Initially we were getting a huge error in User’s Location, as there were in accuracy in points calculation, so finally it works fine with Mobile GPS.
8.) Managing different endpoints for React-App and Android-NativeApp is also challenging. 9.)Lots of problems are faced with Geofencing API and notification trigger problems when users leave/enter it’s geofence(Home).After that we found that broadcast trigger intentService instead of a Broadcast Receiver.
10).Many uninvited bugs like invalid syntax,Variable Scope,Sematics Error,Expression error,Null Pointer Error.
11).Testing notification triggers when a user leaves/enters it’s geofence(Home) is also challenging because emulators like Genymotion have no Google Play Services and official emulators are very resource intensive. We have to debug over application in real device
12.) While Working on React Application, it gave a lot issues actually it worked fine on Local Machine but when it is uploaded to server, it gave a lot of issues.
13.) Shared Preference & Session Management is Done so that User Once Logins,need not login Again and Again.An XML file is Generate having Users Info.
14.) Splash Screen Designing and Checking in Background if user Account Already Exist.
