Bus Buddy

Track and Optimize


The problem Bus Buddy solves

  1. Our Project solves transport problems faced by the people everyday.
  2. Our website helps people waiting for buses know its current location, seat count, estimated time of arrival, and the details of the following buses in the same route.
  3. Our website consists of two catgories - for conductors and passengers.
  4. Authentication is required for conductors and it is not needed for passengers.
  5. Our team is from NIT Trichy and we often face a lot of problems when we want to travel to the city by town bus. The bus timings are not consistent and often overcrowded so we thought this kind of website would help students like us a lot.

Challenges I ran into

  1. Main Challenge we faced was sending the location of the bus to the server since the conductors use ticketing machines and not mobile phones.
  2. Due to currrent Covid situation and lockdown we were not able to test the functionality of our project.
