Isolating Chair.

A chair with an automated as well as remoted controlled system in which a fiber glass chair cover which completely isolate the person inside it. It has wheel also at the bottom to travel at places.


Isolating Chair.

A chair with an automated as well as remoted controlled system in which a fiber glass chair cover which completely isolate the person inside it. It has wheel also at the bottom to travel at places.

The problem Isolating Chair. solves

  1. keeps the person away to direct person to person contact
  2. Isolate the person who sits inside it. 3.Bbuilt-in speaker and mic in the chair helps to use this chair in the conferences,
    offices, buisness meetings, staff meetings,etc.
  3. It consists of wheel at the bottom of the chair which is beneficial for the person who sits inside it for traveling.
  4. It has two rectangular slots in the glass shield, one is at the front and another is at the top for the air circulation. This slots
    consist of air purifier/ air filter which donot allow the viruses or bacteria come inside isolated cover/ glass.

Challenges I ran into

It was a huge challenge for me to do project design in the software because I never did a design in any designing software and even I didn't have any knowledge about the designing software. As I participated in the Covic360 designing battle so i had to do preparations for this. First of all I started watching youtube videos realed to "Designing in Fusion 360", I learned little bit from it. Later on I started designing in fusion 360. I wanted to add speaker, mic and wheel but due to lack of knowledge in designing software I unable to do it and I was quit unsatisfied with it. But I was statisfied with what I made and even I got knowledge from my first design and I was happy with that.
