IronMan_Avengers SequenceMe

A NEW FRONTIER OF MEDICINE IN 21st C.E : Genomic Medicine

The problem IronMan_Avengers SequenceMe solves

In current scenario medicines and treatment are same for a particular disease.
Still a treatment or medicine cure 50% of the patients and rest suffer.
High costs of medicines contribute to decreased access to healthcare.
About 60-90 per cent of healthcare spending by poor people is on prescribed medicines which never benefited them.
Sixty per cent (499-649 million) of the population in India does not have regular access to essential medicines.
Even after a lot of expenditure, 60% of the patients fail to get the benefit for from the treatment or medicines (According to NCBI).
So the major problem is that a patient's body is not getting an accurate diagnosis of existing disease, targeted treatment strategies and more focused clinical monitoring.

DNA sequencing has propelled genomics into mainstream medicine, driving a revolutionary shift toward precision medicine. Genomics investigates how a person's biological information can be used to improve their clinical care and health outcomes (eg through effective diagnosis and personalised treatment. Goal of precision or genomic medicine is that instead of a “one size fits all” approach by disease type, medicine will be informed by a genetic understanding of the disease. Precision medicine not only involves studying the genome, but also considers factors like where a person lives, what they do, and what their family health history .

Our goal is to develop targeted prevention or treatment approaches to help specific individuals stay healthy or get better instead of relying on approaches that are the same for everyone usign AI by traning the software on huge dna datasets so that processing becoms easy and these practices can reach to a commin person too.

Docotrs and patients can use our AI features for sequencing processes to analyze the genomic information and finding personalized cure.

Challenges we ran into

Our major focus was to keep the ui and tech stack of the solution simple so that it become fast and iinteractive which is challengeing for us but we did using python flask server and team work.
Along with that precessing a bulk of database was a great hurdle fr us but we used the concept of online learning to train huge datasets and again deploying the application on server with trained weights was a major roadblock for us.
