IPFS Image Hosting

Image Hosting on InterPlanetary File Systems, with the metadata stored on Polygon Mumbai blockchain.

The problem IPFS Image Hosting solves

Centralization of media has its problems. Our DApp tries to solve this with Decentralized data storage.
With Our DApp Users can upload their images to the IPFS, the CID generated on IPFS is stored in a smart contract on polygon.
This way the ownership of the Image is stored on the blockchain. In next step in this project, the DApp can be an Image Sharing social media app.

Challenges we ran into

Speed Vs Centralization
For incresing speed we had to sacrifice some Decentralization. or user has to pay gas fees multiple times because for a totally decentralized system, we have to make lot more function calls to the blockchain.
Getting data from the blockchain for the frontend use is slow and expensive.
