Created on 10th September 2022
🌳 As we know Environmental monitoring plays an essential role in eco-systematic health and the parameters such as humidity, temperature, etc. The monitoring of the environmental parameters is necessary to collect the data that include the mandatory details for various operations, with this result we can form knowledgeable decisions regarding how wildlife & Environment can be protected 🌳
In this project, I have introduced a couple of Electronic systems 💡 in which one is used for detecting changes in its surroundings such as (motion PIR (passive Infrared) sensors) and immediately captures the photograph 📷 (Raspberry pi night vision camera) whenever it detects an action in front of the camera. The environmental conditions of the surroundings can also be monitored using the Temperature & Humidity sensor 🌡️. The location of the device can be monitored using the Neo-6M GPS sensor. The site of this device can also be viewed on Google Maps. The sensor data collected from the DHT11 sensor, data from the GPS module, and the image captured when motion is detected can be viewed in the local GUI created using the python library guizero.
There was some sudden glitch in the Neo-6M GPS sensor. The problem was that it ran out of nowhere & gives arbitrary location results. It takes about 4-5 hours to resolve the problem.
Technologies used