To develop an IoT based smart saline bottle with alerting and clamping system thereby ensuring the safety of the patient.


Patient fed with saline or glucose requires the healthcare staff and caretaker to monitor the flow rate of saline, adjust the flow rate on certain conditions, stop the flow, and unplug the needle from the patient which is sometimes become difficult as the healthcare staff needs to monitor other patients or may feel sleepy at night. This idea proposes an IoT-based flow rate monitoring system to assist the healthcare staff. The system consists of level measurement and a microcontroller to give prediction and alert. A clamp is introduced in the bottle such that, when the nurse fails to attend to the patient, the clamps would clamp the saline bottle without any further delay. Hence, fatal accidents can be prevented. The miniature module of the system was developed and found effective. It can be utilized in the hospitals for assisting the healthcare staff. The proposed system eliminates continuous visual monitoring of the patient by nurses from distinct places.The saline bottle needs to changed once the saline reaches the critical level. In this system, we use various components like ultrasonic sensor for determining the status of the saline level whether it has reached the normal level(10cm) or critical level(14cm) if saline bottle is 15 cm in length. By using Wi-Fi module of nodeMCU and Blynk application which receives and sends data through mobile. The change in threshold level activates the alarm at the nurse station at the critical level mark. There isn’t any complete and fully functional product available in market, though we find some of working prototype for the above addressed problem. This prototype uses the method of optical sensing mechanism, the amount of transmitted light from the LED to the photodiode depends upon the electrolyte in the saline bottle. The voltage across the photodiode is monitored every millisecond. When the saline water reaches predefined percentage of the bottle capacity, the alarm is being produced.

Challenges we ran into

Use of occlusion sensor to find any obstruction in a blood vessel.
Program to set the critical value automatically when a different volume of the saline bottle is used.
Automatic Drip control .
