Iot based Crowd Detection using OpenCV

Dection the Crowds : takes an Action by Cops

The problem Iot based Crowd Detection using OpenCV solves

  • During this corona virus pandemic Most of the government announces the lockdown and maintain the social distancing ,and also not form an grouping among the persons.
  • Even this announcement most of the persons are forming as an group ,it leads to spreading of the corona virus to others.
    -Polices and other officers tries to maintain this social distancing and group forming , but the crowd is to high when compare with cops.
    -So, we are planned to make an device to find the crowd on the particular places using the Computer Vision technology using Raspberry pi.

Challenges we ran into

From using the CV2 in the raspberry pi , we faced the lot of error ,but when we updating every thing the problem solves from thr cv2 libray. and aslo we don't have an raspberry pi camera , so we planned the same simulation in the laptop using the Jupiter notebook by importing all the requied libraries .
