Tax Made Easy

The problem INVOICIFY solves

MNC's always require Chartered Accountants to do their auditing, taxation, accounting, financial analysis, risk management as well as advising on financial structures. They have to go through a huge list of documents and spend hours of them just to figure out all the above. Keeping into mind an we go into the financial year ending phase the workload increases by a tremendous amount leading to hiring more CA's and the other financial helper leading to a drain of the economy. We tried to make it easier for them by managing their invoices in an orderly sense and help provide an optimized report for the same.

Challenges we ran into

Firstly none of us being directly linked to the financial side we had to research heavily into the topic to figure out the various problems faced by the MNC's and the government. We can to the conclusion that the government faces alot of problems when it comes to pancard and linking of them to the Adhaar card cause statistically the number of Indians to the number of pancards are way off in ratio. However we looked mainly into the MNC's part using good invoice management we help reduce their workload.

Tracks Applied (1)


srijccon dev hacks 7.0 open problem statement.
