

Share Market Of Real-Estate

The problem InvestoShare solves

Lot of retail investors can't invest in high net worth assets such as warehouses, offices, etc. In Mumbai itself, an average warehouse costs around 20-25 Cr. but these are the assests that provide high as well as stable returns. Since the costs are very high it is hard for a retail invester to invest in this assests.
Thus we are using fractional investment strategy which divides a real-estate assest into small parts of shares which can help retail investers to invest in the same.
Investoshare is our platform that allows fractional investment in real estate assets so that more and more people could invest in assets that give high as well as stable returns. It connects and mediates retail investors, real estate owners and corporate tenants and facilitates business and investments

Challenges we ran into

Major challenge was to understand the technicality of investments and real estate. Another challenge was to think of a solution for simultaneous trading transactions and updating the share values through bidding system. As we started implementing, we realized a few challenges in conceptual minute details and implementation.
