Your Gateway to Collaborative Science: Connect, Share, Innovate.

The problem INVENTUM solves

"Brain drain continues to occur as scientists and researchers flock to foreign institutions due to unavailability of scientific resources, collaboration, and latest equipment/technologies"

Currently, scientists and researchers often work in silos, with limited opportunities for collaboration and knowledge sharing. This can lead to redundancy in research efforts, inefficient allocation of resources, and slower progress in scientific discoveries. Additionally, researchers often face challenges in accessing the necessary resources and support to carry out their work effectively, such as funding, mentorship, and access to specialized equipment.

By providing a centralized platform for collaboration, resource sharing, and problem-solving, you aim to address these challenges and facilitate a more efficient and effective scientific community. Our platform will enable scientists and researchers to connect and collaborate with their peers around the world, access valuable resources and support, and ultimately advance scientific progress and discovery

Challenges we ran into

->Firstly integrating the backend and frontend was a tedious task and student and scientist verification was also a bit tricky but we were able to pull it off eventually.
->Deploying our project on platforms of sponsor track was the part where we faced the highest degree of technical challenges as not many resources were available to resolve the bugs we encountered during the process.
->These challenges helped us explore more in a way and we learned a lot of new things.

Tracks Applied (5)


Inventum potentially involves utilizing the Filecoin network for secure and efficient storage and management of scientif...Read More



Replit offers several features such as version control, debugging tools, and integrated hosting, which is useful for dev...Read More



Our project has developed a user-friendly interface that is accessible to scientists and researchers of varying technica...Read More


This platform potentially has a wide range of applications in various fields of science, technology, engineering, and ma...Read More

Open Innovation

Open innovation is a concept that involves collaborating with external partners, such as customers, suppliers, and other...Read More
