Inventory Management System

A mobile application that is capable of having all the details of the equipment like S/N, Date of Installation etc. by scanning a QR code/ barcode and Readily access the past service record.

The problem Inventory Management System solves

QR code generator-based inventory control system:
By using QR Code generator workers and Admin need not manage the inventory control register. They can fill the details of the inventories and generate a QR code. Which can further update by scanning it. Again, this could help them instead managing the register.

Reports Fake QR codes by rejecting ID data
It can detect Fake QR code by rejecting its ID and leading back to the main dashboard.

Location of Inventory
Worker and Admin need not write a location on an inventory register they can find it by Google Map.

Regular notification of inventory services
The worker need not remember the date and month for servicing. The app will automatically remind it by using PUSHBOT Feature.

Any time Secure Database
We have our own database server where details of inventories, chat, Images and call are stored

Inventory history by scanning QR or typing inventory ID.
Worker or Admin can revisit the inventory and check the history of servicing by scanning a QR code after and before the maintenance.

Group Chat (Text, Image and Video calls) Feature with Admin and Worker.
Admin and worker can chat about the inventory and for next servicing. Safe and Secure Group Chat. Their chat will be secured and no one can copy it.

Challenges we ran into

Data Security, which can be improved in the upcoming version of our application.
