Interstellar Inn

Interstellar Inn

Out of This World Flavours, Right here on Mars.

Created on 5th March 2023

Interstellar Inn

Interstellar Inn

Out of This World Flavours, Right here on Mars.

The problem Interstellar Inn solves

The Problem Solved by the project is that how we order the food on Mars with minimum Waiter interference and get the best food on mars and less Human Interaction and help colonisation being Hungry.

Challenges we ran into

We used FastAPI for Backend in which we integrated CockroachDB and Twilio. So, When we started we were not able to POST the data in the Database.
Then we had issues in Flutter with Gradle Files and Some Java/Kotlin Code, Some Basic Dart Code issues.
We used Github for the Collaborations between other developers in our team. it was our first time dealing with different branches and having some Access issues.
Some issues were found during the authentication using Firebase.

Tracks Applied (4)

Most Creative Use of GitHub

We have used Github for the collaborations with the developers for the updated repos for not leaving behind any software...Read More

Major League Hacking

Best Use of CockroachDB

Our Project Fits into the best use of CockroachDB as we have used it to store the orders and the food items and nutritio...Read More

Major League Hacking

Most Creative Use of Twilio

Our Project fits into most creative use of twilio track is because we have used the whatsapp sandbox for notifiying our ...Read More

Major League Hacking


We have used the most diversed tech stack in the app as we have used Flutter, Python, FastAPI, CockroachDB, Firebase and...Read More


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