We had hoped to build a common end point rest api that would provide all the features including logging in, storing user data, leading to a form page which would allow users to search for available jobs/ internships on the basis of chosen region, and job preference. The api is capable of fetching user's regions automatically. We used auth0 for handling our authentications, Adzuna for fetching job listings, it allows us to redirect users to other sites by providing link of job listing increasing the reach of the api. We have created a demo react app which incorporates auth0 and adzuna api.
We are beginners in terms of web development and hackathon participation, this challenge was way more extensive than we expected it to be, we ran into problem of not being able to properly configure cors for our backend while creating the frontend prototype, as we were running both backend and frontend servers on same machine, however we gradually got over it by using cors package and stack over flow to provide correct headers on request.