Created on 25th July 2023
Voting is the most important process in DAO. And because of high gas fees over in the L1 chain token holders are hesitant to vote for proposals in the DAO. By not voting, the main motive of decentralized governance fails as some token holders can decide upon important proposals of the DAO which can lead to the failure of the project. To overcome this, our team has developed an Interchain DAO powered by Hyperlane, which enables token holders to vote for the same proposals over in L2 chains with very low gas fees. As more voters vote on the proposal, we can achieve decentralized governance. You just need to lock your tokens onto a collateral contract over in L1, and you will receive the exact amount of tokens in L2 using which you can vote on the L2 governor then once the voting period ends we can bridge the L2 votes over to L1, which will be taken in consideration while executing the proposal.
While making the project, we primarily faced issues while interacting with the DAO using the Tally interface, as Tally doesn't support some events from the DAO Governors in their current version. We have reported this, and they are actively working to add these events to their indexing backend. Moreover, Hyperlane was not supporting votable ERC20-wrapped tokens. Thus, we developed voting extensions of their version of wrapped tokens and made PRs you can have a look at them over here:-
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