
With you, For you

The problem IntelliHealth solves

Develop a platform that connects organ donors with recipients inneed of life-saving organ transplants.
The platform aims to address the following challenges
Allow organ donors and recipients to create detailed profiles.
Match compatible donors with recipients based on medicalcriteria and location.
Maintain a real-time database of available organs fromdeceased donors.
Notify potential recipients and healthcare professionalsimmediately when a matching organ becomes available.
Ensure the platform adheres to legal and ethical guidelines fororgan transplantation.
Provide seamless integration with electronic health recordsystems used by healthcare institutions.
Facilitate secure communication between donors, recipients andhealthcare teams.
Provide tools for scheduling surgeries, consultations and post-transplant care.
Offer comprehensive user support services to guide usersthrough the transplant process and address their concerns.
Problem Statement:
Develop a platform that connects organ donors with recipients inneed of life-saving organ transplants.
The platform aims to address the following challenges:

Challenges we ran into

Deep Face Authentication, Donor to Patient Matching Algorithm
