

Machine Learning based on crop recommendation



Machine Learning based on crop recommendation

The problem Agricol solves

As an interview candiate, however if you are strong in academics and other activity, the selection in an interview is based on how you present yourself to the Recruiter. It means how confident and how your professional behaviour that includes your eye-contact during your interview and your voice clarity. Most freshers failed to do so. These problems are the main reasons for candidates who could not clear the interview eventhough they have the required skills.
As a pre-final year student,this would be great problem for most of our classmates. It is one of the problem that is to be solved.
Existing methods for this problem like mock interview with industry experts results in huge expense for students and also it doesn't seems to attain the desired results. If a student with low confidence level and speaking skill, he must undergo atleast 10 rounds of mock interview that costs around half of his college expense.
With advancement in cutting-edge technologies like Artificial Intelligence, there is a great demand and expectation of a solution that could solve the above problem and help them to boost their confidence.

Recruitz is an AI-powered personality assessment and assistive platform that provides personality score based on personality traits and job suitability.It uses data sources like images, videos, and audio while interviewing a candidate and also uses resume , the job description to analyze technically.A personality test to be taken virtually that analyze the facial expressions , boldness, clarity, truthness, eye-contact and some other factors and provide an overall personalized score and scores of each section as visual representation.In-depth result analysis is provided along with suggestions from Generative AI(Generative Advarsarial Network).These suggesstion will help candidates to improve both behavioural and technical skills. Also it contains the previous interview scores of those candidates that is used to analyze his improvement.

Challenges we ran into

The project raises ethical concerns related to privacy and consent. Recording and analyzing interviews without clear consent from the candidates may violate their privacy. Moreover, using AI to assess personal qualities can be perceived as intrusive or biased, potentially leading to legal and ethical issues.To solve this issue we framed a Terms and Conditions that priory inform the canditate about the recordings and user needs to accept to involve in assesments and framed the DB that deletes the particular recodings after the scores are shown to the user.The another major issue was in the backend model that takes a quite amount of time for analysis, Inorder to improvize it we are using FastAPI and Multi-threading concepts.

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