Intelligent Intrusion Detection System

Video Based Sensor and Real Time Monitoring to address human–wildlife conflict and movements in and around Protected Areas using Machine Learning and Android Application connected using IoT

Created on 14th October 2018


Intelligent Intrusion Detection System

Video Based Sensor and Real Time Monitoring to address human–wildlife conflict and movements in and around Protected Areas using Machine Learning and Android Application connected using IoT

The problem Intelligent Intrusion Detection System solves

Dramatic increases in human-large mammal conflict in recent years results from an exponential increase in human populations. Ever expanding human pressure in India has caused a decline in many large mammalian species through the loss of habitat for agriculture, livestock grazing , poaching for trade etc.Poaching is a major problem for wildlife managers across the world. Shortage of human resources esp. the field staff and scarce availability of logistics and resources make wildlife preservation a daunting task. We seek to develop a user friendly application for wildlife managers and field level staffs to record and communicate the field level information during patrolling and surveillance movements in the forest. The wildlife sightings, deaths, wildlife crime and ecological observations, human presence can be recorded with GPS coordinates while patrolling. The patrol routes of forest guards can be recorded using the mobile application.The wildlife managers can take precaution for reducing the managing the activities and controlling poaching in those prioritized areas.Producing a map after each patrol will help to understand the overall picture of the day’s work. A timely consolidation of these maps will help to get an overall idea of the animal movements and human activities in the protected area and hence the managers can develop strategic plans for reducing the poaching. Associated Terminology that needs capture or tracking or smart linking Wildlife movement, Poaching, protected area problems, which need to be resolved. Hence the wildlife managers can take precaution for reducing the managing the activities and controlling it in the prioritized area.We also have a system where a camera captures the image and processes it on the cloud and using machine learning we image process the picture and identify the animal and depending on how dangerous the animal is, alerts are sent out.If it is an unauthorized human being then pictures of them will be sent to officials.

Challenges we ran into

Connecting the Raspberry PI to the laptop using an ethernet cable was the most tedious task and then we solved by using the monitor . Automatic integration was a tough task but we made it independent


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