

Smartest LP for loosely pegged assets on Curve



Smartest LP for loosely pegged assets on Curve

The problem InstaCRV solves

InstaCRV acts as an active liquidity provider on curve pools to access the best yield effortlessly. Rebalancing LP on a weekly basis as per the gauge weights is highly gas intensive costing approximately 5.2 million gas units (~$300) when adding 2 tokens to a pool.

To outsource the rebalancing depending on the crv_gauge_weights we had to create a public_function trigger such that any user can trigger the function so that the pool allocation changes as per the crv_emissions, by creating a public function it creates an arb opportunity so that long tail MEV searchers can come and shift the liquidity allocation from the current pool weight to the desired one (in doing so they will be able to extract roughly 6 basis points of the volumes shifted) which is sufficent enough opportunity to have a healthy competition so that the system is rebalancing always in check.

After doing an in-depth analysis on their TVL, Volume and Cr Emissions we concluded that:

  1. Due to lack of trading volume, protocols have to incentivise with their governance token to make up the oppournity cost of a LP.
  2. Cost of rebalancing a LP position every week can be gas heavy costing anywhere between 3,750,000 - 5,000,000 gas units.

Challenges we ran into

We have designed a tokenised ETH vault to farm and auto-compound crv and cvx tokens by optimally providing liquidity to multiple whitelisted curve pools.

The main challenge was to design a way to outsource rebalancing by creating opportunities for MEVs and Arbitrageurs.

Optimising the gwei units to rebalance the cv_gauge_weights were one of the challenges for which we wrote some of the code in assembly to reduce the same significantly.

Choosing the ideal LST pools that receive curve emissions consistently and would be best suited to provide the highest yield had to be decided considering parameters like total TVL, volumes and curve emmissions on the pools.

Tracks Applied (3)

Arbitrum Track

Because we believe in arbitrum's defi native environment


Alliance Track

We are building InstaCRV as a protocol, it can onboard a lot of new users who'd want access to better yield with a small...Read More


Mantle Network Track

Expanding a product like instaCRV to potentially upcoming LRTs would be a great way to act as the smartest LP in the sys...Read More

Mantle Network

Technologies used
