INNOVATE-INSPIRE-INVEST - a startup for startups

The problem INNOVEST solves

there are many startups that lack proper opportunities and face many difficuties in finding right incvestor for their company. they face rejection due to improper pitches and investors are unable to find correct startup according to their interest.

Our platform, "InnoVest", aims to bridge the gaps in the startup ecosystem, providing a one-stop solution for networking, funding, and business knowledge. The features include:

Startup Marketplace: - A dedicated space for startups to list their businesses for sale, providing opportunities for potential buyers or investors in case the original founders are not able to keep the startup running by themselves for any reason. - Startups have choice to either sell their complete startup or only some equity.

Shark Tank Competitions: - Regular and virtual competitions offer startups a chance to pitch their ideas live to a panel of investors and get real time feedbacks and deals.

Idea Evaluation AI: - An AI tool to evaluate startup ideas and provide detailed feedback to help founders refine their pitches and business plans. - The tool also predicts a monetary value of the idea based on the latest trends.

Business Knowledge LLM: - An AI chatbot to provide real-time assistance and answer common business queries that any entrepreneur might have.

Idea Showcase: - A space facilitating the presentation of startup ideas to potential investors who can provide funding or people in case you have the idea but no resources to implement it.
