The problem INNOVEST solves

there are many startups that are searching for correct investors for investments . they lack proper resources , less opportunities, improper guidance etc . Investors do not have many opportunitie in local investment round.
So we created a platform where we directly connect startups with the investors.

Our platform, "InnoVest", aims to bridge the gaps in the startup ecosystem, providing a one-stop solution for networking, funding, and business knowledge. The features include:

Startup Marketplace: - A dedicated space for startups to list their businesses for sale, providing opportunities for potential buyers or investors in case the original founders are not able to keep the startup running by themselves for any reason. - Startups have choice to either sell their complete startup or only some equity.

Shark Tank Competitions: - Regular and virtual competitions offer startups a chance to pitch their ideas live to a panel of investors and get real time feedbacks and deals.

Idea Evaluation AI: - An AI tool to evaluate startup ideas and provide detailed feedback to help founders refine their pitches and business plans. - The tool also predicts a monetary value of the idea based on the latest trends.

Business Knowledge LLM: - An AI chatbot to provide real-time assistance and answer common business queries that any entrepreneur might have.

Idea Showcase: - A space facilitating the presentation of startup ideas to potential investors who can pr

we have a buisness chatbot that provides all info related only towards the buiness . we did thi by prompt engineering where we made it specially desgined for buisness guidance. So any startup can come and give its pitch to our chatbot which ill give all its advantages and drawbacks in the project and give points to improve before the investor.
we also created virtual sharktank where the tartup can pitch there ideas to invetor and our aimodel will give short summary and insughts to the pitch

Challenges we ran into

challenge was of integrating the live video call eature onto the website.
we also faced difficulty in collection of dataset for the ai model and integrating it with frontend

Tracks Applied (1)


we used replit to gather info for training of ai model and used in integration of news api that uses sentiment anlysis t...Read More

