Infoberg 👨‍💻

Creating Digital Identity Ecosystem


Infoberg 👨‍💻

Creating Digital Identity Ecosystem

The problem Infoberg 👨‍💻 solves

The traditional identity systems of today are fragmented, insecure, and exclusive. Frauds and corruptions are possible at every place, where producing identity or personal details or documents is compulsory. From birth to death at every stage it is possible for a person to pretend to be someone else or manipulating and hiding details or preparing forged documents for personal benefits. It is very difficult to track such frauds and maintain a transparent system.

InfoBerg is a transparent & authentic system in which identity & document verification can be done easily. Leveraging the power of blockchain, the system makes establishing, tracking and maintaining digital identities more efficient, user friendly, secure and less open to fraud.

Challenges we ran into

-We were new to polygon and deploying the contract there was a challenge for us as were used to ethereum and not a layer 2 network
-Also understanding the workflow of moralis was a exciting challenge for us
-Lastly, making web3.js and web3.py interact in the website was a challenge which took us time to overcome
