

Elevating Industrial Safety and Efficiency.

Built at Rebase<01>

The problem IndustryXpert solves

Industrial workspaces inherently pose risks to both machinery and personnel. In recognition of this, our project is dedicated to mitigating these risks by developing a cutting-edge web-based application. Through the seamless integration of advanced technology, we aim to establish a safer and more secure industrial environment.

Key Features:

  • Motion Amplification: One of our flagship features, motion amplification, revolutionizes equipment inspection processes. By processing videos of working machinery, this tool unveils subtle movements that are often imperceptible to the naked eye. By exposing critical zones for maintenance, it enables proactive measures to be taken, minimizing the risk of unexpected breakdowns and accidents.
  • Emergency Alert System: In times of crisis, swift action is imperative. Our emergency alert system allows individuals to signal for help with ease. By simply making an alert pose (L pose with hands) in front of the nearest camera, an alert is raised, ensuring prompt assistance and minimizing response times in emergency situations.
  • Restricted Zone Enforcement: Maintaining the integrity of restricted areas is essential for ensuring workplace safety. Through the utilization of live CCTV feeds, our platform detects unauthorized access to restricted zones. Any violations are promptly flagged, allowing for timely intervention and enforcement of safety protocols.
  • Fire and Safety Gear Detection: Safety gear and fire hazards are paramount concerns in any industrial setting. Our platform addresses these concerns by employing advanced machine learning algorithms trained on custom datasets. By accurately identifying safety gear and detecting potential fire risks in real-time, we uphold the highest standards of safety and compliance.

Challenges we ran into

In developing the application, we faced many challenges that tested our problem solving skills and determination. Here are the main challenges we faced and how we overcame them.

Handling edge cases and exceptions

One of the main challenges we faced was dealing with all the edge issues and exceptions that arose outside of our application. Because our platform handles real-time data and sensitive security alerts, it was important to ensure robust error handling. We have met this challenge by implementing thorough testing and comprehensive debugging procedures to handle unforeseen scenarios elegantly, ensuring our platform is reliable and robust . . . .

Effective use of ML models

Effectively applying machine learning models to limited resources proved to be another key challenge. It was important to optimize the code for performance with complex algorithms necessary for features such as motion enhancement and object detection. Through continuous adaptation and refinement, we have achieved improved implementation of the ML model, ensuring that our platform performs well even in resource-constrained environments

Despite these challenges, our team remained flexible and committed to delivering robust and efficient solutions. Overcoming these obstacles with creativity and tenacity, we have been able to create IndustryXpert – a transformational program that redefines industrial safety and efficiency

Tracks Applied (2)


Our project fits into the AI-ML track by leveraging cutting-edge machine learning algorithms to enhance industrial safet...Read More

Open Innovation

Our project fits into the Open innovation tack as we have implemented motion amplification feature, which allows the use...Read More
