Indore Safar

A tourist website where users can get all the relevant information of famous places of Indore and near it .


Indore Safar

A tourist website where users can get all the relevant information of famous places of Indore and near it .

The problem Indore Safar solves

People usually not get apt information of a city which they wish to visit. There are many tourists web site where all the information is not present. This site is specially for Indore. In Indore Safar all the information including timing, entry fees and location with the description of place is present . As a native I tried to cover all the famous places of Indore and near it. Home Page has six different category of places and on clicking on visit button you will turn to that page.
The six categories are:

  1. Heritage
  2. Religious
  3. Nature
  4. Movie and Theater
  5. Food
  6. Fun in Indore
    We will include more functionality because there is always something new which needs to be updated.
