Created on 22nd December 2019
The problem it solves is getting precise indoor navigation and voice conversion of the navigated ways, This just solves the indoor navigation but with the circuit and code that we have made we can use it for alot of things like, live streaming of video and audio in personal phones of people in a huge auditorium with the help of lights using lifi communication.
Communication for deep sea divers with people outside as well as inside the water as radio waves cant pass easily in water but light can.!
Reducing the amount of accidents by installing smart lifi enabled lamp posts on roads to notifiy every car passer by about accident prone areas or caution ahead.
Using lifi for working on secure data in offices and big organizations as the lights cannot pass through walls and even data cannot therefore the important data will stay within the limits of the room and no external hacker will be able to hack it.
The Challenges we ran into were working with the precision of our system,
we first started off with a single stage amplifer and achieved 300 baudrate, then we increased it to 9600 with the same circuit but modified code.
after that we now aim to make our project work on 115200 baud rate and increased functionalities with it.
Configuring one device to listen to and send multiple tx rx at a single time and removal of garbage values from the value that we have got was an issue.
we finally achieved a great level of accuracy with the indoor navigation with hardware and software as well.
Technologies used