
A Bitcoin-based cryptocurrency



A Bitcoin-based cryptocurrency

The problem Indo-Cash solves

The sole purpose of creating this project was to understand the in-depth concepts of Blockchain Technology and Cryptocurrency. This project helped me venture into significant concepts like consensus algorithms (particularly, Proof of Work), Merkle Trees, and Cryptographic hashing algorithms (particularly, SHA-256 & elliptic curve cryptography). Thus, this project was purely aimed to be a self-learning project and has proven successful in aiding me in understanding the Blockchain system.

Challenges I ran into

As discussed earlier, this was my first project in the domain of Blockchain Technology. To delve into the most profound concepts of this technology, the blockchain was designed from scratch using Nodejs. Therefore, during implementations, I faced challenges like setting up the publisher-subscriber paradigm to broadcast the chain and implementing a proof-of-work algorithm. Apart from that, they were a few more development difficulties pertaining to this project.
