Indie News

Indie News

Indie News: Empowering Voices, Ensuring Privacy - Your Truth, Your Way, Hassle-Free Reporting.

Created on 10th December 2023

Indie News

Indie News

Indie News: Empowering Voices, Ensuring Privacy - Your Truth, Your Way, Hassle-Free Reporting.

The problem Indie News solves

Traditional news and crime reporting systems face critical issues, hindering their effectiveness and fairness. The lack of anonymity for whistleblowers and witnesses, reliance on in-person interactions, biases in traditional media reporting, and inadequate data privacy measures pose significant challenges.

Our solution will takle all these issues.
In response to the pervasive fear of reporting crimes, a decentralized web3 platform emerges as a transformative solution. Sarah, a resident of a closely-knit community, faces the common dilemma of witnessing a suspicious incident but hesitates due to fear of retaliation and exposure.

This innovative platform allows Sarah to anonymously share details of the incident without compromising her identity, addressing the key challenge of reluctance. Her report garners support from the community through likes, shares, and devotions, fostering a sense of solidarity.

Motivated by this community backing, Sarah privately reports the incident to the police via the platform, staking a small amount to ensure the claim's validity and deter false allegations. The police then engage in a confidential conversation with Sarah, gathering additional details. This private interaction remains undisclosed unless Sarah consents to its public disclosure, giving her control over sensitive information.

In essence, the decentralized web3 platform empowers individuals like Sarah to contribute to community safety without fear of reprisals, bridging the gap between anonymous reporting and effective law enforcement.

Challenges we ran into

In Waku because of poor internet and incorrect documentation we were facing sync issues,waku mentors helped us a lot in fixing the issues.

Polygon mumbai was not working and sepolia was very slow so we did most of the transformation in frontend.

As Anon Aadhar was quite new we faced few errors for example axios error, so we informed the anon aadhar card and they fixed it by an update.

Tracks Applied (4)

Arbitrum Track

Deployed on arbitrum for cheaper and faster transaction


Ethereum Foundation Track

We have used ANon Adhar SDK to verify the user uniquely and anonymously

Ethereum Foundation

Waku Track

We are protecting user's identity.

waku Track

We have used lighthouse to store the evidences using encryption


Cheer Project

Cheering for a project means supporting a project you like with as little as 0.0025 ETH. Right now, you can Cheer using ETH on Arbitrum, Optimism and Base.


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