Startups usually have a lot of problems due a lack of any central platform. This can be rectified by creating a user friendly site that aims to help startups in as many ways as possible by linking them with mentors and investors and by helping along the way as financially as possible. This website serves both startups, who can use it as a platform for their products or services and for investors who might otherwise not wish to take risks on unnkown people or risky ideas.
Initially, we decided on a Django Rest API + React frontend . However, led to a lot of problems, mostly due to npm server issues that didn't allow us to download any JS libraries for a period of time. After reinstalling npm twice and facing this error 4 times, we were done with node and npm. After that we had to shift vanilla JS, which provided a brief respite after we realised that we could send POST requests. However, on a local machine, there is NO guarantee that a GET request will work due to cross-domain issues, working in very exceptional cases. Unfortunately for us, we didn't qualify for those cases, causing any GET request to return an error. At this point, the only thing left to do was django templating, which is a powerful but unweildy option. Designing a website from scratch in django would be a daunting task, especially since we couldn't download or use any templates online (it wasn't for lack of trying) . Finally we gave up, make a frontend with HTML, CSS and vanilla JS and tried to connect the frontend and the backend. Our success is spotty.
Technologies used