IMDB1000 provides movie enthusiasts with an easy-to-access platform to discover the top 1000 movies rated on IMDb. It solves the challenge of efficiently exploring IMDb's extensive movie database and presents a curated list of the best films, aiding users in making informed viewing choices.
Real-time Web Scraping: Scraping IMDb's real-time data posed a challenge due to the continuous updates on their website. Implementing real-time scraping strategies and pagination techniques to fetch the latest top 1000 movies required careful planning and execution.
Design and User Experience: Creating an appealing, sleek design with Next.js while ensuring a seamless user experience demanded meticulous attention to detail in layout, navigation, and responsive design to cater to a wide range of devices and screen sizes.
Data Management: Effectively managing and organizing the scraped movie data in a MongoDB database and optimizing queries for retrieval while handling potential data inconsistencies and updates was another significant challenge.
Technologies used