We do not store any of the user data. The image is accepted both in form of a link to the image or the file. The output is a downloadable image file. The web application has secured login and signup based on auth0 and the features which are implemented draw from the APIs found on the platform ApyHUB. There is also a notification feature so that a user would know when the image is ready, thus saving the user's time. This was implemented using the services provided by Twilio.
Users often need to optimize their image by cropping, compressing, etc. There are generally tools specified for which they have to search from one place to another. We provide a one-stop destination for all such operations, thus saving the effort and time of the user.
The major challenge we faced was with understanding the given frameworks and API in a short amount of time. But with careful planning and teamwork, we were able to help each other and conquer the challenge. Another mind twister was the file handling on Nodejs. This scenario taught us more about the file handling system in node and the middleware such as multi and formidable. We also faced challenges in handling the image stream as the API response to our request. In the end, we were able to overcome the challenge and were blessed with a deeper understanding of Node and files.
The frontend and backend integration was also a challenge, but with team effort, planning, and effective coding we were able to overcome it.
In a nutshell, the challenges and problems we faced were tough and sturdy but with courage and teamwork, we were able to overcome each of them. The problems left us with hands-on experience and a industry-level experience. The time limit imposed taught us to work under the pressure of an approaching deadline. The open problem statement allowed us to think beyond and come up with solutions in a short amount of time. The team bonding and the experience would always remain etched in our hearts.