For IGDTUW society recruitments

The problem IG SOC solves

Our web app makes the society recruitment process easier as both, the applicants
and the society coordinators can use just one web app(where the users get
the required stuff in just a click of a button and that too in a curated manner)for
the recruitment process of the societies rather than jiggling and scrolling through
different WhatsApp groups and social media handles for the information.

Challenges we ran into

Since bubble was new to us, it took us time to understand its functionalities....and also pondering that what would make our app helpful and simple for the users.
Creating its interface wasn’t as much of an issue but making it innovative and different from the existing sites in the market posed as a challenge. So, we analysed bubble’s basic functions for a day or two and prepared a simple structure of what we wanted our website to look like.
In the process we learnt other features that bubble could offer including the animations, pop-ups and started thinking of ways of creating a better user experience through them.
Another issue we faced was of the database creation. We created our login and signup page we got the user registered but where will the data go and how will the user know about the coordinators consent on their application seemed complicated.
Therefore we learnt the procedure of linking the database to the respective pages from where the data was sent and retrieved but still couldn’t add a few more features we intended to because of the limitations posed by the database and also our little experience with it.
We also wanted to add more slides in the slide deck showing a few more pages of our site but due to the necessity condition to build it up to 17 slides, we could only add the instructed slides.
All in all, with our team’s continuous efforts in solving every glitch and encouraging each other we were able to bring this project in shape.

Technologies used
