Unlocking Offline Intelligence: IF ASSIST - Your Local Language Model for Conversation and Document Queries.

The problem IF ASSIST solves

  1. Data Security and Privacy
    Challenge: Cloud-based LLMs process sensitive data externally, raising concerns about data leaks, privacy breaches, and compliance with regulations.
    Solution: Our offline LLMs keep data within the user’s controlled environment. No external servers handle the information, ensuring robust security and compliance.

  2. Customization and Adaptability
    Challenge: Cloud LLMs offer limited customization options. Users cannot fine-tune models to specific domains or adapt them to unique contexts.
    Solution: Our offline LLMs allow fine-tuning on domain-specific data. Users can tailor the model to their needs, enhancing accuracy and relevance.

  3. Network Reliability and Latency
    Challenge: Cloud services rely on internet connectivity. Network outages or slow connections disrupt LLM functionality.
    Solution: Our offline LLMs operate independently of external networks. Users can work seamlessly even in low-bandwidth environments.

  4. Cost Savings
    Challenge: Cloud LLMs incur ongoing costs based on usage. Frequent API calls can become expensive.
    Solution: Our offline LLMs eliminate recurring expenses. Users pay upfront for hardware but save significantly in the long run.

Key Features of Our Offline LLMs

Local Deployment:
Users can install our LLMs on their servers, laptops, or edge devices.
No reliance on external APIs or cloud platforms.

Fine-Tuning Capabilities:
Users can fine-tune the model using their own data.
Customization for specific tasks, jargon, or industry-specific language.

Zero Latency:
No delays due to network communication.

Data Isolation:
Sensitive data remains within the user’s environment.
Compliance with data protection regulations.

One-Time Investment:
Upfront hardware costs, but no ongoing fees.
Ideal for organizations seeking cost-effective solutions.

Challenges we ran into

Making it Multilingual. Training the model with our existing model was the major challenge, confusion between whether to choose GGUF or Safe - tensor based model, proper quantisation method or scale, choose the parameter size of models.

Tracks Applied (2)

Best use of GitHub

Used GitHub co-pilot while developing for code generation and debugging, GitHub code spaces to code without running loca...Read More

GitHub Education

Best use of Postman

Used Postman for testing POST and GET requests along Flask APIs. Helped us in JSON error handling.

Postman at Hack This Fall
