

The Infra Layer For Decentralized Identity on Polygon ID

Created on 4th December 2022



The Infra Layer For Decentralized Identity on Polygon ID

The problem IdentiGo solves

In today's world privacy is the main point of concern. An individual won't want to reveal his complete identity to get a small job done, but at the same time the verifier also needs the information to confirm if the things are fine to proceed. The answer to this scenario is Zero Knowledge.
Now, for the online world an user has his/her identity too. Many platform demands for the gmail authentication and unnecessary access to mails and other details. Same is the case with web3 platforms. The platform knows the wallet ID of the user and thus indirectly his entire onchain data.
We are trying to create a infrastructure layer for decentralized identity. The platform is for the users to come up and get there socials from web2 and web3 to be claimed on Polygon ID and at the same time the developer can integrate with our platform to build their projects based on these claims. Like a DeFi platform and integrate to get the degen reputation score of the user and then lend him.

Please find the presentation and Demo here :

Challenges we ran into

Completing the project with time was a good challenge for us.

Tracks Applied (3)

Push Protocol

Push Protocol






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