Created on 27th February 2022
Many a times, we have an idea but we lack the technical support/expertise to build it. Many a times, we are working on hobby projects and we struggle to find people who can help us in building it. Many a times, there's some awesome hackathon going on but your go-to team isn't available and you're forced to drop out of it.
ideaBox solves all these problems.
One of the most prominent issues I faced was that, while building, generally, we host the frontend and the backend on different which leads to cors issues. To solve it, I served the frontend from the backend itself, i.e. I send the entire pages from the backend itself. However this might have led to slow performance, thus to mitigate that, I served the pages from different routes, and then populated data in those pages via js from another routes. This relatively improved performance and solved the cors issue while development.